Star Wars Hitchhikers Guide - Expanded Universe

.....A long time ago, in a galaxy far far away......
If you've never journied past the Trilogy or Prequelogy, here is your guide to the Star Wars Expanded Universe. Embracing the Dark Side or Living By The Jedi Code, the Expanded Universe has tales for the Jedi and Sith in every one. And truely learn the Skywalker history, this is my interpretation of the Star Wars Expanded Universe.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Back from the Jedi Praxeum - Return of the Jedi, my short Holomovie

Training has severely created a drought in my efforts to keep my journeys documented in my datapad but I continue my training.  In my training I created at Holomovie of the records of the destruction of the Emperor Palpatine and the resurrection of Darth Vader as told by the original maker and the documentation of the NPR Audio Drama......Enjoy.  


More to come soon...........
Star Wars Hitchhiker

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